Field Day (Youth Fit)
satin black camo Monture
Infos sur le produit
CODE : OY8007-0950
Die Field Day bietet den Kids genau die Farben, die sie sich wünschen, und das mit einem Rahmen aus O Matter™ mit rutschfesten Unobtainium®-Bügelenden für besten Tragekomfort – auch bei ihren wildesten Aktivitäten.
• Durability and all-day comfort of lightweight O-Matter™ material
• No-slip Unobtainium® earsocks: Increase grip with perspiration
• Molded in nosepads, designed to fit underdeveloped nosebridges of young people
• Three-Point Fit: Comfort and performance that holds lenses in precise optical alignment
• Available in two sizes 48/50
• 4 Base lens allows for wide prescription range
• Available with Oakley Authentic Prescription Lenses
• Protective carrying case included
• No-slip Unobtainium® earsocks: Increase grip with perspiration
• Molded in nosepads, designed to fit underdeveloped nosebridges of young people
• Three-Point Fit: Comfort and performance that holds lenses in precise optical alignment
• Available in two sizes 48/50
• 4 Base lens allows for wide prescription range
• Available with Oakley Authentic Prescription Lenses
• Protective carrying case included

- Couleur de monture: Satin Black Camo
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