Base Plane
matte midnight Armação
ou até 10x de R$102,00
Informação do produto
CÓDIGO: OX3232-0454
Los Base Plane, que se inspiran en los modelos Steel Line y Steel Plate, se caracterizan por el perfil estilizado y las varillas esculpidas. Las gomas para varillas antideslizantes en Unobtainium® hacen que el ajuste sea aún más seguro. Además de las bisagras de resorte incorporadas, los Base Plane se caracterizan por el sistema Three-Point Fit para conseguir una alineación precisa desde el punto de vista óptico y plaquetas nasales rellenas de aire para una mayor comodidad.
• Build on the success of Steel Line and Steel Plate
• Ultra thin steel frame with a subtle organic temple curve giving both aesthetic depth and improved head force
• Constructed of strong, durable and flexible stainless steel
• No-slip Unobtainium® earsocks:Increase grip with perspiration
• Air filled clear O Matter™ nose pads offer all-day comfort
• Three-Point Fit: Comfort and performance that holds lenses in precise optical alignment
• Protective carrying case included
• Available In two sizes 52/54
• 4 Base lens allows for wide prescription range
• Protective carrying case included
• Available with Oakley® Authentic Prescription Lenses
• Ultra thin steel frame with a subtle organic temple curve giving both aesthetic depth and improved head force
• Constructed of strong, durable and flexible stainless steel
• No-slip Unobtainium® earsocks:Increase grip with perspiration
• Air filled clear O Matter™ nose pads offer all-day comfort
• Three-Point Fit: Comfort and performance that holds lenses in precise optical alignment
• Protective carrying case included
• Available In two sizes 52/54
• 4 Base lens allows for wide prescription range
• Protective carrying case included
• Available with Oakley® Authentic Prescription Lenses

- Cor da Armao: Matte Midnight
Reconheço que as lentes de proteção laser são disciplinadas pelas normas denominadas ITAR - International Traffic in Arms Regulations. A exportação de produtos de proteção laser exige a conformidade com várias normas e leis dos Estados Unidos, inclusive com uma licença de exportação expedida pelo Departamento de Estado dos EUA.