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Custom Frogskins™ Range
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Cada pedido personalizado esta montado manualmente bajo sus especificaciones.

  • Matte Cool GrayParte superior de la monturaMatte Cool Gray

  • Matte BlackParte inferior de la monturaMatte Black

  • Prizm GrayLentePrizm Gray

    • Tipo de lentes

    LentePrizm Gray
  • Añadir grabado de lente+€0,00No

  • Matte BlackVarillasMatte Black

  • Matte Black w/ WhiteParte frontal de la varillaMatte Black w/ White

  • Selección de cordonesNo

  • White CustomMicrobagWhite Custom

Tu pedido contiene componentes personalizados que no están disponibles en el color seleccionado:

Los colores que están agotados se han configurado con las opciones predeterminadas.

Estás comprando en el Sitio Pro Oakley
Límite de pedido restante:
El total de tu cesta supera el importe máximo permitido por transacción. Por favor, elimina algunos artículos para completar la compra.


Welcome to the Oakley Pro Site

Your exclusive Oakley Pro Site employee pricing is available anytime at

Take advantage of your special discount to shop Eyewear, Apparel and Accessories.

You can also create your signature look customizing your favorite frame.

See all terms and conditions here.

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Welcome to the Oakley Pro Site

Thanks for joining; your exclusive Oakley Pro Site discount is available anytime at Your annual purchase limit is $5,000. Once you have purchased $5,000 of gear, your discount will be deactivated until the following year. If you have any questions, please send an email to

Items purchased from the Oakley Pro Site are not eligible for returns, all sales are final.

Products purchased from the Pro Site are for personal use only and are not to be resold or distributed. Users found to be reselling product purchased from the Pro Site will be terminated from the program and may face further investigation.

Pro Site deals are not eligible to be combined with any other advertised offers, promotions or discounts. Pro Site purchases are not eligible for free shipping. Some items may not be eligible for discounts including, but not limited to: wearable electronics, gift cards and limited edition products.

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Selecciona tu talla para continuar
Elige tu necesidad
Elige tus lentes graduadas o continúa sin corrección de la visión