Oakley X FRAGMENT - Frogskins™ (Low Bridge Fit)
prizm grey Lenses, polished black Frame
Product Info
CODE: OO9245-D554
Size: XL (137mm)
ポップカルチャーにとって、この上ない時代でした。ロナルド・レーガンがホワイトハウスの主で、ターミネーターが大ヒットし、Run DMCはゴールド・ディスクを受賞していました。同じ時代にOakleyはFrogskins(フロッグスキン)と呼ばれる、唯一無二のアイウェアを創造しました。Oakleyは80年代のオリジナル工作具も復刻し、歴史的なピースを所有するチャンスを提供しています.
- Disclaimer
*The picture is an image of the product. The design of the frame and/or accessories are prone to change without notice depending on the availability during production.
*The colour tone of the product will depend on the brightness settings of your laptop or mobile.
*For "Frame only" purchase you will get a frame fitted with a Demo lens. - Demo lens
Demo lens are set in the frame to hold the structure in the right way. Demo lens will not substitute clear optical lens as it does not pass any optical standards. We will not replace any Demo lens. - Prescription RX
Looking to buy prescription eyeglasses? Schedule a comprehensive eye exam with an optometrist to get a new prescription or update your current one. We will then help you find a frame that fits your needs. How you see through your prescription lens depends on a lot of factors, and you may not experience the same vison even with the same power. Please call customer service or place of purchase if you continue to feel funny with your new glasses - we will make sure you get the right pair.
• 4ベースレンズ形状と HDO®
• 偏光レンズとIridium‐イリジウム®レンズがオプション装着可
• Prizm‐プリズム™ レンズ装着で色調、コントラスト、細部を鮮やかに素晴らしい視界を約束
• Oakley純正度付レンズの装着に対応

Prizm Grey
- Light Transmission: 17%
- Light Conditions: 明るい光
- Base Lens Color: グレー

- Frame color: Polished Black